Access the industry’s first BESS data & analytics platform





Hi Catalyst listeners! Thanks for coming by to learn more about Anza’s revolutionary platform enabling solar & storage equipment developers & buyers to make optimal decisions.

Through Anza’s platform, BESS developers can instantly access data for the first time that they typically have a hard time getting their hands on: supplier provided pricing for batteries, PCS, and total systems; CapEx and OpEx costs; tariff and domestic content; loads of technical data and more! 

Anza’s market-wide platform is more than a database. We provide analytical tools to compare products and systems in a standardized fashion, have a recommendation engine to see your project’s optimal capacity maintenance strategy, and provide downloads to do further modeling on your own. 

With Anza, you’ll have the accurate information you need to select equipment for your development designs, fully build out your financial models, and respond to RFPs. Gain an information advantage to sell your projects at a higher price.

Schedule a demo today

With Anza’s Energy Storage Subscription, you can:

  • Compare AC/DC blocks market-wide from 20 battery suppliers & 8 PCS suppliers, including non-Chinese & complete domestic suppliers
  • Access up-to-date pricing 3 years out for more than 85% of U.S. BESS supply including system, block, & PCS component pricing
  • Rank AC blocks & DC block configurations by lowest life cycle cost, which includes CapEx & OpEx with capacity maintenance
  • Compare products & suppliers and down select using a wide breadth of commercial, technical & risk data including Anza’s risk rating covering financeability, execution, traceability, & counterparty risk categories
  • Determine domestic content strategy through manufacturing location filters, IRS eligibility percentages & calculation of ITC financial value
  • See quantity of equipment & space needed for AC/DC configurations to know if a system will fit on-site
  • See capacity maintenance recommendations & perform additional modeling through a downloadable csv file
  • Tailor optimization to your project by adjusting advanced inputs to improve returns & see detailed engineering specifications (e.g. auxiliary power required, etc.)

Ready to access data & comparison tools to reduce business risk & increase project profits?